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  • The Affordable Gentleman

5 Rules For Being A Gentleman

1. A Gentleman is chivalrous

This might sound outdated but almost every woman appreciates this. Approach women with a mixture of respect and admiration. Hold the door and pull out chairs for her etc.

2. A Gentleman cares about others

Being polite and considerate is something everyone should be. This exhales with a deeper conviction of caring about people’s wellbeing.

3. A Gentleman takes care of his physical appearance & style

A Gentleman is dressed for success every day no matter his profession or status. He takes no days off and this is reflected in the way he looks.

4. A Gentleman has courage and strength of character

Despite being accommodating and considerate a Gentleman knows his limits and values. He isn’t a pushover for anyone.

5. A Gentleman is well Read, Educated and Informed

A Gentleman doesn’t voice an uneducated opinion. He only joins in when he’s comfortable with the topic that’s being discussed.

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